We are constantly being bombarded with information about nutrition and supplements. Sometimes an item will foster prostate cancer and sometimes we hear that the very same item will help prevent prostate cancer. Then there are those items that will initially prevent pc, but also encourage metastatic spread of an existing tumor. It is confusing and frustrating.

Summa Health Systems in Akron Ohio just released positive results of a phase I/II study using Apatone (vitamin C and vitamin K3) in men who have failed local treatment, having two successive rises in PSA post treatment. Sample size was seventeen (not uncommon in a phase I/II study).

The Apatone in this study was made with 5,000mg of vitamin C plus 50 mg of vitamin K3. All subjects received treatment for 12 weeks (no controls, also common in phase I/II studies). PSA levels, PSA velocity (PSAV) and PSA doubling time (PSADT) were calculated before and during treatment at six week intervals. Once the initial 12 weeks of the study ended, 15 of the 17 subjects elected to continue taking Apatone for an additional 6 to 12 months.

After the initial 12 weeks of the trial, PSAV decreased and PSADT increased in 13 of the 17 subjects. (p